Monday, January 2, 2012

Bloated Update- Surfeit of Articles!

I can't believe it's been this long since my last update on this blog. So much for staying updated. I've had so many things happen over the past few months. I've participated in the Hollywood Christmas Parade, written many newspaper articles, and even done a solo.

Hollywood Christmas Parade: Well, I was actually the leader (you could say drum major) of the whole parade, which was like a percussion marching band. We had a row of girls in the front who carried the banner and the dancers behind them. After the dancers was I (I think that's correct grammar). Then came the banner holders, and after came the rest of the drumming team. After the drumming team came the banner holders at the end.

I performed a solo with the Los Angeles Youth Orchestra. My solo was the Mozart Violin Concerto No.3 in G Major. Here's a link: Imaging the violinist is me and enjoy.

The articles you can find online at I'm a student reporter, and have gotten quite a few published. Perhaps you'll find some of them enlightening and/or entertaining. Because I don't want to get reactions of "TL;DR" from readers, I don't think I'll post all my articles in their full glory - that's 36 pages of writing. Indeed, TL;DR. I'll give you the links to each and every one of them. If they interest you, please, go ahead and read them. To say another thing: the articles are not in any order whatsoever.

[Student Reporters] LA? Sustainable?

[Student Reporters] A Korean Assistant Principal : What's So Good?

Students React to Succession in North Korea

[Student Reporter] PAVA Participates in Christmas Parade

[Student Reporters] Students Measure Impact of Human Influence on the Los Angeles River

[Student Reporters] National Night Out Event Brings Community Together

[Student Reporters] Paul Ryan's Budget Proposal Sparks Discussion Between Students

[Student Reporters] Hard Work Leads to State Competition

[Student Reporters] Quiz Bowl Team Skyrockets at North Hollywood High

[Student Reporters]LA Zoo Turns Wild

[Student Reporters] How Los Angeles is going "green"

[Student Repoerter] Korean military clash sparks US student dialogue

[Students Reporters] Student volunteers learn politics matter

[Student Reporters] Perseid meteor showers attract science students

[Student Reporters] North Hollywood High‘s Online Health Classes - Benefit of the Students

[Student Reporters]North Hollywood High School Science Olympiad Team 

[Student Reporters]North Hollywood Science Bowl Team Takes First Place Victory at Regional Competition 

[Student Reporters] Students Share Korean Culture Through Percussion at Disneyland 

Now for your viewing pleasure, a couple of pictures from the Hollywood Christmas Parade:

Bonne annee et bonne santee!

Happy late New Year! Yay!

Well, we're so much more closer to the projected end of the world (according to the Mayans). But fear not! There's a new year for you to power through. Consider it a fresh start, possibly. And you know what? Maybe we can all learn from each other a bit.

It would be wonderful if the denizens of the world could be a little more friendly to each other. And if we do, we just might be able to understand how our lives are all interconnected.